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28. April 2021

Continous updates on
pado and mobility topics

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Topic overview

Latest buy and sell values of pado points
pado news around earth and mars
Latest features and outlook

Best solution for big city traffic

Discover available parking slot in your destination before you go, book the slot seamlessly, keep your time effective.

easy parking spot search with pado

Check out what the STUZ in Mainz wrote about pado parking: STUZ Apr

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Why and how pado started

It all started when Domenico Solazzo, the founder of pado-comm

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Millions of users exchanging information are much more efficient than any algorithm

pado made my day! I wanted to go to the city center with my daughter for a quick stop. I booked a parking slot while leaving. 20 minutes later I swapped with another friendly driver.


Full-time working mom

Finding a parking slot on a busy saturday night can really become a nightmare. Friends are waiting, the club is open, and I have to keep circling around the block - this problem is history.


Student of Physics

Finally no more driving around the block for 20 minutes to find an available slot - I can book ad-hoc or in advance and swap with someone who is leaving right away.

René Wagner

CEO - WDS Solutions

My infamous record of searching for a parking slot? Two hours! When I come home from work, I just want to park somewhere close to my house. With pado, this is now easy and on-the-fly.


CEO and Entrepreneur

The app is really easy-to-use and self-explaining. Just get started with your car type, colour and license plate and other drivers can identify you easily and leave just when you arrive.


PHP Developer

Pado Pado

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Our app isn’t beautiful yet, it doesn’t perform great yet but it will help millions of people to solve the problem of finding parking slots. Are you ready?