Why and how pado started

It all started when Domenico Solazzo, the founder of pado-community GmbH, left his office after a long day’s work. That day, he only thought about returning home as soon as possible to spend the evening with his wife Paola and their son Domenico Junior.

The trip home took him about 6 minutes, but he had to spend another 10 minutes to find a free parking slot near his house. At that moment the thought occurred to him: “What if he could reserve one of the available parking spaces in his area? And what if everyone could book parking slots in advance? Why not create an application that would allow communities around the world to share information about parking spaces available in their cities? Hence, he felt compelled to use this opportunity and create an application.

As is usually the case, car owners know how long they will take up a parking slot on any given day. We are also well aware of the parking situation in our city and that there are many drivers who could use our parking slot when it is not occupied. Hence, why not make life easier for everyone by using an application that allows to notify our community of parking slots the moment they become available, especially when it only takes one click? This way we can all save time by better planning our routes.

An active community is a key factor – the more people are notified of available slots; the less people will be disappointed by the lack of parking places in densely populated cities. Just imagine how much time and frustration drivers will spare daily, if we all reserve and free up parking slots through pado-parking as many times a day as we need. Many of us don’t even realize how much time is spent in the process when we are looking for parking slots. Actually, only in Europe’s top 10 populated countries, this is 8 minutes for more than 40 million drivers every day. In that time, we could order and enjoy an espresso.

pado parking CO2 Savings


The pado-parking app not only brings more convenience to our lifestyle, but also allows us to reduce vehicle emissions — to reduce the harmful effects of our daily activities on the environment. Moreover, thanks to effective planning of our routes, we will be able to reduce traffic on the roads by 30% and exhaust gases by up to 4.425 metric tons, only in Europe!